Target Scopus: Pulmonary and Respiratory

Berikut beberapa target jurnal Scopus Q3 dan Q4 bidang Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (21 Oktober 2024). Tetap cek berkala masing-masing jurnal. Table Data Jurnal 1 International Journal of Occupational and…
Sitasi Publikasi

Sitasi Publikasi

SCOPUS ID Publikasi COVID-19 Higher dose corticosteroids in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 who are hypoxic but not requiring ventilatory support (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial DOI:…

Target Jurnal Scopus

Berikut beberapa Target Jurnal Scopus yang dapat dimanfaatkan publikasi. Silakan cek fokus dan scope publikasi masing-masing jurnal. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Indonesian Journal of…