BODE Index

Indeks BODE untuk COPD Indeks BODE adalah sistem skor multidimensional yang digunakan untuk memprediksi mortalitas dan tingkat keparahan penyakit pada pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK/COPD). Indeks ini mempertimbangkan empat…

Body Shape Index

A Body Shape Index (ABSI) adalah indeks yang digunakan untuk menilai komposisi tubuh dan memprediksi risiko kesehatan berdasarkan lingkar pinggang, tinggi badan, dan berat badan. ABSI dikembangkan sebagai alternatif Indeks…

Reviewer Certificate

This certificate is awarded to Alfian Nur Rosyid in recognition of their contribution to 1 manuscript in 2025 for Scientific Reports. Reviewer Certificate 08 March 2025Download

Cancer Medicine (Scopus Q4)

Berikut jurnal terindex Scopus Q4 terkait Kanker, update 6 Maret 2025. #300Precision Radiation Oncology1.225th percentile#301Mediastinum1.225th percentile#302Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology1.125th percentile#303Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology1.125th percentile#304International Journal of Cancer…

Radiology Medicine (Scopus Q3)

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Radiology Medicine (Scopus Q4)

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The current concept of asthma severity is based on ‘difficulty to treat’ The current concept of asthma severity, recommended by an ATS/ERS Task Force38,84 and included in most asthma guidelines, is…

Pulmonary Medicine (Scopus Q1)

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Pulmonary Medicine (Scopus Q2)

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Pulmonary Medicine (Scopus Q3)

Publikasi jurnal internasional terindex Scopus Q3 bidang Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine. data update 27 Februari 2025. #77European Clinical Respiratory Journal3.850th percentile#78Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety3.850th percentile#79Thoracic Surgery…