Pulmonary Medicine (Scopus Q4)

Publikasi jurnal terindex Scopus Q4 bidang Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine, data update 27 Februari 2025.

#116Coronaviruses1.525th percentile
#117Tuberkuloz ve Toraks1.524th percentile
#118Thoracic Research and Practice1.524th percentile
#119African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine1.523rd percentile
#120Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery1.422nd percentile
#121Respirology Case Reports1.422nd percentile
#122Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer1.421st percentile
#123Pulmonologiya1.420th percentile
#124Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals1.320th percentile
#125Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases1.219th percentile
#126Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery1.219th percentile
#127Mediastinum1.218th percentile
#128Revue des Maladies Respiratoires1.117th percentile
#129Open Respiratory Archives1.117th percentile
#130Tanaffos1.116th percentile
#131Minerva Respiratory Medicine1.015th percentile
#132Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery1.015th percentile
#133Sleep Medicine Research0.914th percentile
#134Journal of Chest Surgery0.813th percentile
#135Asim, Allerji, Immunoloji0.813th percentile
#136Shanghai Chest0.712th percentile
#137Pneumon0.611th percentile
#138Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis0.511th percentile
#139Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews0.510th percentile
#140Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery0.410th percentile
#141Neumologia y Cirugia de Torax(Mexico)0.49th percentile
#142Zeitschrift fur Pneumologie0.48th percentile
#143Chinese Medical Journal Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine0.48th percentile
#144Alergia Astma Immunologia0.37th percentile
#145Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine0.36th percentile
#146Revista de Patologia Respiratoria0.36th percentile
#147Permskij Medicinskij Zurnal0.35th percentile
#148Grudnaya i Serdechno-Sosudistaya Khirurgiya0.24th percentile
#149Zeitschrift fur Herz-, Thorax- und Gefasschirurgie0.24th percentile
#150Pneumologia0.23rd percentile
#151Studia Pneumologica et Phthiseologica0.12nd percentile
#152Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten0.11st percentile
#152Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites0.11st percentile
#154Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases, HIV Infection0.10th percentile
#155Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer0.10th percentile


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