#493 | Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine | 1.2 | 25th percentile |
#494 | Tropical Doctor | 1.2 | 25th percentile |
#495 | International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics | 1.2 | 25th percentile |
#496 | Aerospace medicine and human performance | 1.1 | 25th percentile |
#497 | Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development | 1.1 | 25th percentile |
#498 | South African Journal of Bioethics and Law | 1.1 | 25th percentile |
#499 | Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management | 1.1 | 25th percentile |
#500 | Journal of Public Health and Emergency | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#501 | Food Protection Trends | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#502 | Fluoride – Quarterly Reports | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#503 | Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#504 | Nutrire | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#505 | Epidemiologiya i Vaktsinoprofilaktika | 1.1 | 24th percentile |
#506 | International Journal of Public Health Science | 1.1 | 23rd percentile |
#507 | Research in the Sociology of Health Care | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#508 | Journal of Rehabilitation | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#509 | International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#510 | Military Medical Science Letters (Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy) | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#511 | Journal of Radiation Protection and Research | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#511 | Open Public Health Journal | 1.0 | 23rd percentile |
#513 | Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology) | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#514 | Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#514 | Journal of Drug Education | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#516 | Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#517 | Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#518 | Journal of Allied Health | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#519 | Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan | 1.0 | 22nd percentile |
#520 | International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health | 1.0 | 21st percentile |
#521 | Noise Control Engineering Journal | 0.9 | 21st percentile |
#522 | Saude e Sociedade | 0.9 | 21st percentile |
#523 | Profilakticheskaya Meditsina | 0.9 | 21st percentile |
#524 | Revista de Salud Publica | 0.9 | 21st percentile |
#525 | Revista Chilena de Infectologia | 0.9 | 21st percentile |
#526 | Research in Community and Public Health Nursing | 0.9 | 20th percentile |
#527 | Health Care Science | 0.9 | 20th percentile |
#528 | Chinese Journal of School Health | 0.9 | 20th percentile |
#529 | Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy | 0.9 | 20th percentile |
#530 | Gigiena i sanitariia | 0.8 | 20th percentile |
#531 | South Eastern European Journal of Public Health | 0.8 | 20th percentile |
#532 | International Journal of Microsimulation | 0.8 | 20th percentile |
#533 | Journal of Physical Education (Maringa) | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#534 | Iran Occupational Health | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#535 | Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#536 | Education Therapeutique du Patient | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#537 | Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#538 | PEC Innovation | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#539 | Social History of Alcohol and Drugs | 0.8 | 19th percentile |
#540 | Chinese Journal of Radiological Health | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#540 | Radiation and Risk | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#542 | Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#543 | Ethiopian Journal of Health Development | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#544 | MHSalud | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#545 | Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#545 | Unnes Journal of Public Health | 0.8 | 18th percentile |
#547 | Medico-Biological and Socio-Psychological Issues of Safety in Emergency Situations | 0.8 | 17th percentile |
#548 | Brazilian Journal of Biometrics | 0.7 | 17th percentile |
#549 | Shokuhin eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan | 0.7 | 17th percentile |
#550 | Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine | 0.7 | 17th percentile |
#551 | Dialogues in Health | 0.7 | 17th percentile |
#552 | Physis | 0.7 | 17th percentile |
#553 | Journal of Health Sciences and Surveillance System | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#554 | Payesh | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#555 | National Health Care (Russia) | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#556 | Pan African Medical Journal One Health | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#557 | Exercise Science | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#558 | Revista del Cuerpo Medico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo | 0.7 | 16th percentile |
#559 | Chinese General Practice | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#559 | European Journal of Mental Health | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#559 | Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#562 | Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#563 | HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#564 | Universal Journal of Public Health | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#565 | Revista Baiana de Enfermagem | 0.7 | 15th percentile |
#566 | Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#567 | Journal of Zoonotic Diseases | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#567 | Public Health and Life Environment | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#569 | Kontakt | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#570 | Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#571 | Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#572 | Indian Journal of Community Health | 0.6 | 14th percentile |
#573 | Journal of Research and Health | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#573 | Revista Cubana de Salud Publica | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#575 | Rossijskij Psihiatriceskij Zurnal | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#576 | Journal of Environmental Health | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#577 | Medicina Katastrof | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#578 | Hacia la Promocion de la Salud | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#579 | Discover Social Science and Health | 0.6 | 13th percentile |
#580 | Food Safety and Risk | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#580 | Revista de Psicologia de la Salud | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#582 | Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#583 | Health Education and Health Promotion | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#584 | China Tropical Medicine | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#585 | Journal of Health and Safety at Work | 0.6 | 12th percentile |
#586 | Christian Journal for Global Health | 0.6 | 11th percentile |
#586 | Torture | 0.6 | 11th percentile |
#588 | Journal of Nutrition and Food Security | 0.6 | 11th percentile |
#589 | Ankara Medical Journal | 0.5 | 11th percentile |
#589 | Delaware Journal of Public Health | 0.5 | 11th percentile |
#591 | Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia RSFSR | 0.5 | 11th percentile |
#592 | Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care | 0.5 | 11th percentile |
#593 | Food Studies | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#594 | Revista de Investigacion e Innovacion en Ciencias de la Salud | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#595 | Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#596 | AJPM Focus | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#597 | Journal of Tropical Pathology | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#598 | Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#599 | Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Publica | 0.5 | 10th percentile |
#600 | Sigurnost | 0.5 | 9th percentile |
#601 | Siberian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine | 0.5 | 9th percentile |
#602 | Journal of Public Health and Development | 0.5 | 9th percentile |
#603 | Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biology | 0.5 | 9th percentile |
#604 | Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders | 0.5 | 9th percentile |
#605 | Sante Publique | 0.4 | 9th percentile |
#606 | Archives of Health Science and Research | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#607 | Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#608 | Medical Technologies. Assessment and Choice | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#608 | Zdravotnicke Listy | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#610 | Community and Physician | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#611 | Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#612 | Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental | 0.4 | 8th percentile |
#613 | Iranian Journal of War and Public Health | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#614 | Revista del Nacional (Itaugua) | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#615 | Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#616 | Poblacion y Salud en Mesoamerica | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#617 | Taiwan Journal of Public Health | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#618 | Journal of Payavard Salamat | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#618 | South Sudan Medical Journal | 0.4 | 7th percentile |
#620 | Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | 0.4 | 6th percentile |
#621 | Generations | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#622 | Groupwork | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#623 | Korean Journal of Sport Science | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#624 | Journal of Health System Research | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#625 | Fizicna Reabilitacia ta Rekreacijno-Ozdorovci Tehnologii | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#625 | Social Medicine | 0.3 | 6th percentile |
#627 | MedUNAB | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#628 | Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#629 | Indonesian Journal of Public Health | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#630 | Communication and Medicine | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#631 | Public Health Forum | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#632 | Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine | 0.3 | 5th percentile |
#633 | International Journal of Environment and Health | 0.3 | 4th percentile |
#634 | National Journal of Community Medicine | 0.2 | 4th percentile |
#635 | Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences | 0.2 | 4th percentile |
#636 | SpringerBriefs in Public Health | 0.2 | 4th percentile |
#637 | One Health and Risk Management | 0.2 | 4th percentile |
#638 | Kemas | 0.2 | 4th percentile |
#639 | Food and Drug Law Journal | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#640 | Extreme Medicine | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#641 | Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#641 | Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#643 | Hygiene + Medizin | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#644 | Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#645 | Mundo da Saude | 0.2 | 3rd percentile |
#646 | Advancing Global Bioethics | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#647 | Modern Medical Technology | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#647 | WHO Drug Information | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#649 | Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#650 | Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#651 | Journal of Health Policy and Outcomes Research | 0.2 | 2nd percentile |
#652 | Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences | 0.1 | 2nd percentile |
#653 | Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#654 | Texila International Journal of Public Health | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#655 | Romanian Medical Journal | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#656 | Population Medicine | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#657 | Reabilitacijos Mokslai: Slauga, Kineziterapija, Ergoterapija | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#658 | Amerta Nutrition | 0.1 | 1st percentile |
#659 | Annals of Health Research | 0.1 | 0th percentile |
#660 | Public Health of Indonesia | 0.0 | 0th percentile |
#661 | Journal of Public Health and Pharmacy | 0.0 | 0th percentile |
#662 | Family Medicine. European Practices | 0.0 | 0th percentile |
#663 | Turkish Journal of Public Health | 0.0 | 0th percentile |
#664 | Avicenna Bulletin | 0.0 | 0th percentile |
#665 | Technische Sicherheit | 0.0 | 0th percentile |