Public Health (Scopus Q3)

Publikasi jurnal internasional terindex Scopus Q3 bidang Public Health, data update 27 Februari 2025.

#327Health Promotion Journal of Australia3.150th percentile
#328Pedagogy in Health Promotion3.150th percentile
#329IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors3.050th percentile
#330Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica3.050th percentile
#331International Journal of Sexual Health3.050th percentile
#332Work3.050th percentile
#333Current Sports Medicine Reports3.050th percentile
#334Journal of Biosocial Science3.049th percentile
#335Journal of Drug Issues3.049th percentile
#336Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research3.049th percentile
#337Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine3.049th percentile
#338Zdravstveno Varstvo3.049th percentile
#339International Journal of Pharmacy Practice2.949th percentile
#340Public Health Genomics2.948th percentile
#341Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour2.948th percentile
#342Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin2.948th percentile
#343Microbiology Australia2.948th percentile
#344Anthropology and Medicine2.948th percentile
#345International maritime health2.948th percentile
#346Health Education2.948th percentile
#347Journal of Communication in Healthcare2.947th percentile
#348Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry2.847th percentile
#349Gesundheitswesen, Supplement2.847th percentile
#349Vaccine: X2.847th percentile
#351GERMS2.847th percentile
#352Public Health in Practice2.847th percentile
#353Radiation Medicine and Protection2.846th percentile
#354Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention2.846th percentile
#355BMC Nutrition2.846th percentile
#356Indonesian Journal of Health Administration2.746th percentile
#357Journal of Prevention2.746th percentile
#358Family and Community Health2.746th percentile
#359Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation2.746th percentile
#360Community Health Equity Research and Policy2.745th percentile
#361Sucht2.745th percentile
#362Biomedical and Environmental Sciences2.645th percentile
#363Frontiers in Sports and Active Living2.645th percentile
#364Journal of Radiological Protection2.645th percentile
#365International Journal of STD and AIDS2.645th percentile
#366Medwave2.645th percentile
#367Primary Health Care Research and Development2.644th percentile
#368Epidemiologia e prevenzione2.644th percentile
#369International Journal of Care and Caring2.644th percentile
#370Biocontrol Science2.644th percentile
#371Portuguese Journal of Public Health2.644th percentile
#372Journal of Military Medicine2.644th percentile
#373Journal of Health Literacy2.643rd percentile
#374Human Movement2.543rd percentile
#375Molecular and Cellular Toxicology2.543rd percentile
#376MDM Policy and Practice2.543rd percentile
#377Applied Biosafety2.543rd percentile
#378Healthcare Papers2.543rd percentile
#379Home Health Care Services Quarterly2.443rd percentile
#379International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research2.443rd percentile
#381Environmental Health Engineering and Management2.442nd percentile
#382Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health2.442nd percentile
#383Indian journal of public health2.442nd percentile
#384Journal of Public Mental Health2.442nd percentile
#385Journal of Research in Health Sciences2.342nd percentile
#386Australian Journal of Rural Health2.342nd percentile
#387Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny / Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene2.341st percentile
#387Sexual Health2.341st percentile
#389International Journal of Health Promotion and Education2.341st percentile
#390Journal of Green Building2.341st percentile
#390Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being2.341st percentile
#392Home Health Care Management and Practice2.341st percentile
#393Indian Journal of Palliative Care2.340th percentile
#394MSMR2.340th percentile
#395Journal of Health Research2.240th percentile
#396BMJ Open Quality2.240th percentile
#397International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine2.240th percentile
#398Physical Education Theory and Methodology2.240th percentile
#399Australian Journal of Primary Health2.240th percentile
#400The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia2.239th percentile
#401Kinesiology Review2.239th percentile
#402Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics2.239th percentile
#403Military Medicine2.239th percentile
#404AIDS Education and Prevention2.239th percentile
#405Community Dental Health2.239th percentile
#406Iranian Journal of Public Health2.239th percentile
#407Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition2.238th percentile
#408Permanente Journal2.238th percentile
#409Environmental Quality Management2.238th percentile
#410International Journal of Circumpolar Health2.138th percentile
#411Journal for Healthcare Quality2.138th percentile
#411Lifestyle Medicine2.138th percentile
#413Wilderness and Environmental Medicine2.137th percentile
#414Mental Health and Prevention2.137th percentile
#415International Journal of One Health2.137th percentile
#416Frontiers in Pain Research2.137th percentile
#417Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association2.137th percentile
#417Noise and Health2.137th percentile
#419Revista Espanola de Salud Publica2.037th percentile
#420Drugs, Habits and Social Policy2.036th percentile
#421Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved2.036th percentile
#422Current Nutrition and Food Science2.036th percentile
#422Sahara J2.036th percentile
#424Rural and Remote Health2.036th percentile
#425Evidence Based Care Journal2.036th percentile
#426Gesundheitswesen1.936th percentile
#427ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal1.935th percentile
#428Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine1.935th percentile
#429Journal of Medicine and Life1.935th percentile
#430Social Work in Mental Health1.935th percentile
#431Acta Medica Academica1.935th percentile
#432Medycyna Pracy1.935th percentile
#433Discover Mental Health1.934th percentile
#433Programme Grants for Applied Research1.934th percentile
#435Central European Journal of Public Health1.934th percentile
#436African Journal of AIDS Research1.834th percentile
#436International Journal of School Health1.834th percentile
#438Sleep Epidemiology1.834th percentile
#439Revista Ambiente e Agua1.834th percentile
#440Tobacco Prevention and Cessation1.833rd percentile
#441Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSAR1.733rd percentile
#442Farmakoekonomika1.733rd percentile
#443African Journal of Laboratory Medicine1.733rd percentile
#444International Journal of Mental Health Promotion1.733rd percentile
#445Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment1.733rd percentile
#446Journal of Infection Prevention1.733rd percentile
#447Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine1.732nd percentile
#448Revue d’Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique1.732nd percentile
#449American Journal of Health Education1.732nd percentile
#450Kesmas1.732nd percentile
#451Journal of Health and Human Services Administration1.632nd percentile
#452IJID Regions1.632nd percentile
#453Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine1.631st percentile
#454Chinese Journal of Endemiology1.631st percentile
#455Frontiers in Tropical Diseases1.631st percentile
#456Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health1.531st percentile
#457Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies1.531st percentile
#458Hawai’i journal of health & social welfare1.531st percentile
#459Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity1.531st percentile
#460South African Family Practice1.530th percentile
#461Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy1.530th percentile
#462Arabian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants1.430th percentile
#463Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics1.430th percentile
#464Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work1.430th percentile
#465Infectious Diseases and Immunity1.430th percentile
#466Journal of Correctional Health Care1.430th percentile
#467Journal of Nutrition and Health1.429th percentile
#468Salud Colectiva1.429th percentile
#469Health SA Gesondheid1.429th percentile
#470Journal of Community Health Nursing1.429th percentile
#471Consortium Psychiatricum1.429th percentile
#472Health Behavior and Policy Review1.429th percentile
#473Semergen1.428th percentile
#474Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion1.428th percentile
#475Revista Habanera de Ciencias Medicas1.428th percentile
#476Radiation Protection Dosimetry1.428th percentile
#477International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science1.428th percentile
#478China Safety Science Journal1.328th percentile
#479Obesity and Metabolism1.328th percentile
#480Journal of UOEH1.327th percentile
#481Health Risk Analysis1.327th percentile
#482Journal of Chemical Health Risks1.327th percentile
#483Open AIDS Journal1.327th percentile
#484Exploratory Animal and Medical Research1.327th percentile
#485Indian Journal of Community Medicine1.327th percentile
#486Women’s Health Reports1.326th percentile
#487Zhongguo ji sheng chong xue yu ji sheng chong bing za zhi = Chinese journal of parasitology & parasitic diseases1.326th percentile
#488Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung1.326th percentile
#489Occupational Therapy in Mental Health1.226th percentile
#490African journal of reproductive health1.226th percentile
#491Journal of Sport and Health Research1.226th percentile
#492Archivos de Prevencion Riesgos Laborales1.226th percentile


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